Register Now
Neuroscience 2025 | July 12-13, 2025
Register Online with our 3D Secure Payment Portal
Got Queries on Registration? Email/Call/Whatsapp our 24/7 Support Organizers.
Registration Deadlines
Early Bird Registration Will be closed on
March 16, 2025
Register now
Important Guidelines for Making The Registration:
- Please fill the form and submit then choose your Registration Category from drop-down (Speaker, Poster, Listener or Student). You can choose one at a time.
- You can pay the registration fee through Paypal or directly with your debit or credit Card.
- This page secure by Paypal, you can proceed to enter your card details and process your payment.
- Do not hit the back button when you are see submitting, if you want to edit your details, kindly contact us and give us your new details.
- After Successful completion of your payment. Our organizers will also send an acknowledgement with the payment receipt with conference letter head.
- By registering for the Conference, the user is by default to agree with the Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy of Neuroscience 2024 and its associate entities.
- For any further queries, feel free to reach us at:
Terms & Conditions:
By completing the registration process, you agree to these terms and conditions.
- Researcher Meetings reserves the right to make last minute changes without prior notice, should the need arise.
- Researcher Meetings reserves the right to cancel/reschedule the Virtual conference in case of any unpredictable incident. Researcher Meetings will have no further liability to the client.
- Registrations remain valid if the conference has to be postponed.
- During the Virtual Video Conference, participants are expected to behave responsibly and to treat each other – and treat the community – with respect, kindness, and compassion.
- Neuroscience 2025 reserves the right, without refund, to revoke the participation of the attendee whose conduct is deemed inappropriate, disorderly, or offensive by Neuroscience 2025, affiliated third parties.
- Academia Meetings reserves the right to make changes to the terms at any time without notice to each participant, so please check back and review the terms from time to time.
- Access to the conference Slot in the virtual platform is available only to registered participants.
Cancellation Policy:
Keeping in view of advance payments towards technicalities, company finances and other costs for hosting the Virtual conference, we had to keep Refund Policy is as following slabs-
- If the registrant is unable to attend, and is not in a position to transfer his/her participation to another person or event, then there will be no refund processed:
- Cancellations are strictly not allowed once after the payment is made on our conference website due to the Low price structures of the conference.